This week, OM 3 had us marbling paper. This is quite possibly the coolest art project we've done since we began this crazy OE experiment a year and a half ago.
We started with the marbling set that came in our
OM 3 craft kit. (Buying that kit was one of the best decisions I've ever made. When it's time to do a project, I have everything right running to Hobby Lobby to piece together our materials.)

We filled a pan with 2-3" of water and placed the float paper.

Then, we added color, one drop at a time to the float paper.

The kids loved watching the color shoot out from the paper and move through the water. They were amazed that the color stayed on the surface.

Next, the kids blew on the water, causing the colors to move around (but not blend), which created cool designs. This can also be accomplished by dragging the colors around with paint brushes.

We carefully laid heavy weight paper on top of the water. (Our first attempt was with lighter weight sketching paper, but it rolled when it got wet.) Card stock would work well.

And when we lifted it up...Voila!

Marbled Paper!
When Thing 4 saw the result, she literally gasped and said, "Please don't ever put me back in school." (She really likes art.)
This project was so much fun that the kiddos showed Thing 2 and the OE Dad when they got home tonight. They both made some, too.

And I loved it so much that I marbled all the trash that I found on my kitchen counter.

Now we have to figure out how to make something gifty with this paper.