When you have as many books as we have in our home (we really love books), it's easy to forget about a great book. Over the weekend, Things 3 and 4 drug out the Felix books again.
Yesterday we read Felix Travels Back in Time,
Since we're studying ancient history, this book was perfect.

If you don't know Felix, he's a little bunny that has a habit of getting lost. On his travels, he sends his owner, Sophie, letters telling her about his adventures. The Felix books captivate children, not just because all children love an adventure, but because there are actual letters, in actual envelopes, that the children can pull out and read.

If you don't know Felix, he's a little bunny that has a habit of getting lost. On his travels, he sends his owner, Sophie, letters telling her about his adventures. The Felix books captivate children, not just because all children love an adventure, but because there are actual letters, in actual envelopes, that the children can pull out and read.
And who doesn't love reading a letter?
Amazon says these books are appropriate for ages 4-8, but even my 10 year old enjoys them. (And, don't tell him that I said this, but last night when we were reading this book out loud, my 14 year old son stood over my shoulder and listened for a bit.)
I believe that some of the books are out of print, but I'm sure you can find them used. It's worth a look!
Oh...seeing those Chinese Characters tugged at my heart a little!