One thing about Otherwise Educating is that there is never a shortage of things to do. For any non-homeschoolers out there, if you've ever worried about the "socialization" issue (and it's the rare "outsider looking in" who hasn't expressed that criticism, er, concern), please don't worry. I find that we have so many options for enrichment and socialization, that I have to choose carefully or we'd never be at home to work on math and grammar.
We've had the opportunity to do many things away from home this year. We've done some really great things, and there have been a couple of activities that have left me thinking, "Yeah, we probably should have stayed home and worked on math facts."
Our latest field trip was the best yet. Our co-op went to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center for a behind the scenes tour. It was so cool and we all loved it! We have been to many performances at the PAC, including several plays this year through the Young At Art Series (which happens to be the best value in homeschooling), so it was really fun and interesting for the children to see the PAC from a different perspective.
We saw all four theaters at the PAC and were able to go on stage, backstage and to the orchestra pit in the theater where we see the Young At Art plays.
On Stage, Williams Theater:

Orchestra Pit in the Williams Theater:

We saw dressing rooms:

We rode in the freight elevator...

...which was the highlight of the trip for Thing 3:

We even got to go all the way to the top of the PAC to the spotlight room...
...where we had a great view of the Chapman Music Hall:
Orchestra Pit In The Chapman Music Hall:

This is the glass art piece that hangs in the lobby. They say that sucker weighs 4 tons. Think about that next time you're in the lobby waiting for you show.
It was great day!